14 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Hunger Action Month

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By Gwen Hill MS, RD, LD

I recently learned that September is Hunger Action Month. Feeding America, the nation’s leading domestic hunger relief charity, is encouraging everyone to Speak Out Against Hunger. They created this memorable video “Hungry Kate,” which illustrates the ease in which hunger concerns can settle into households that never expected it.

The video encapsulates an all-too common situation. The breadwinner of the house loses their job, the savings are used up and then the credit cards are maxed out, all while trying to keep life as normal as possible for the kids. Eventually the home is foreclosed upon and the family is in a situation they never imagined they would be in -- where finding the money for food is a daily challenge. And then hunger sets in, causing a decrease in concentration, headaches, bellyaches, moodiness and fear. According to the USDA, 14.9% of Americans are struggling with hunger, showing that this is no small problem in our country.

How can you help combat hunger this month (and beyond)?
  • Donate to your local food shelf. 
  • Encourage those you know in this situation to apply for SNAP benefits.
  • Share the “Hungry Kate” video with your friends via Facebook, Twitter or email. 
  • Help people understand that there is more than one way that people end up in a situation where hunger is prominent.

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