13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Facts from the last week

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Let me get you caught up on whats been going on...

1. So I think I figured out what Isaac's constant fussiness was all about last week.  Remember I said it seemed like he wanted/needed my constant attention? Well... I think he was going through another growth spurt. Not only is my little dude tipping the scale at 6 pounds he's sailing past it. Isaac now weighs 6 pounds 6.5 ounces. The last time the public health nurse weighed him two weeks ago he weighed 5 pounds 7 ounces.This is so exciting! He pretty much gained a whole pound in two weeks! Not only that but Isaac is also holding his head up for about 30 seconds to a minute and trying to look around! So so so cool!

2. They are starting to build more homes next to us. We live in a town home currently and the lot has been empty since Dan moved in six years ago. So it can get kind of noisy! I am kind of bummed. We've lived on a quiet street. So I am NOT looking forward to more people moving in. Boo! Just hoping the lot across the street from us stays unsold!

3. I've done two 3.2 mile runs. I am going to start running a few times a week slowly building my milage. In three months I should be able to run 8 miles. I am sort of... kind of... following a training program that will help me get there. Its actually a program I followed when I first started running. I am anxious to get my mileage back up.

4. We've been cloth diapering... well part time. Some days we do it all day and sometimes part of the day. We have a few different kinds and because Isaac has such skinny legs many of them leak. I've had success with one brand so far, FuzziBunz (they are a pocket diaper) and lucky for us we have the most of this kind. FuzziBunz are great because I can adjust the legs. They are on the tightest setting and have been working great. Most diapers require that the baby be a little bigger but because these are adjustable in the legs they work. There are many newborn style cloth diapers but again... my little dude has skinny legs.

How's this pose mom?

5. Link is still buddy buddy with Isaac. Sometimes he follows me around the house when I am holding Isaac and sometimes he'll sit right next to Isaac and just watch him. Rainy is slowly coming around. At least she doesn't run away every time Isaac cries... only some of the time but she is starting to do things she hasn't done in months and I think its for more attention. Like the other day. I caught her here.

Maybe mom will pay attention if I block the sink. 
6. It never fails.... I find one or the other here on a regular basis. Not when Isaac is in there though. Isaac hasn't slept in the crib much. We have a Rock N Play sleeper he's been using for the time being.

But mom that other cat gets to lay in here sometimes!  IT'S NOT FAIR!
7. Why not end with one more Isaac picture because there hasn't been very many of those in this post.

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