13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Three... okay Four Things Thursday

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1.  I had my last follow up appointment post c-section. I was told that if I didn't bring Isaac that they'd make me go home and get him (Not really true but they'd be very sad i'm sure) It was the first second time that Isaac has seen the doctor that delivered him... that is if you count the day he was born. All the nurses and the receptionists loved Isaac and couldn't stop saying, "ooooohhh. So tiny! We never get to see them that little!" The receptionist almost fell over when I told her he was almost 2 months old. My doctor was anxious to see Isaac too and I finally got a photo of him holding Isaac (see below). I should probably mention that I have recovered nicely. We also talked about what future pregnancies might mean. Sadly, I wasn't really reassured although I don't think anything would reassure me. I was told that pre-eclampsia is most common in first pregnancies and unlikely but not impossible in other pregnancies. Same story with the IUGR. Highly unlikely but always a possibility. Same thing with the high blood pressure. Could have it.... might not. So another words the possibility of another NICU experience could happen but might not.

I remember you! You took me away from my first home... good thing I like my new home better!  
2. I finally made a stop into work this week. I know my co-workers have been anxious to meet him and several even made comments that "it sure took me a long time to bring him in." I've been nervous though because we were told to be careful with taking him out in public places/places with a lot of people. Preemies have lower immune systems and therefore are more likely to get sick if he's around other sick people. I am already worried about daycare but I can't be on maternity leave forever. Lucky for me they can't get him in until June 11th. When I was still pregnant and setting up for daycare we set it up for sometime in July. Then bed rest happened and then early delivery. I was suppose to be back in about two weeks. Glad they could get him in a month early. He'll be just over three months old. It also means I get a little more time with him which is nice given everything we went through. Anyway, he was a huge hit. If I had a nickel for every time someone said, "he's so little!" I think I'd be a millionaire.

3. I made it to the gym for the first time since February. It was great to use the treadmill and elliptical today. It was also nice to get out of the house. It's so hard sometimes because I have to plan my trips out of the house around when Isaac eats and because I feed on demand he's not really on any schedule. He's generally a three hour kinda guy but not always. I worry I'll head to the store or gym and he'll want or need to eat. I mean this shouldn't be a big deal because we could always give him a bottle. Hopefully as he gets older he'll have more of a schedule of when he wants to eat. I managed to spend about an hour at the gym, get home and showered before he was ready to eat. Then I had a quick lunch and guess what... he was hungry again. See what I mean about being nervous to leave him. He could want to eat at any time.

4. So I signed up for amazon mom. You get discounts on certain things. We haven't really used it yet but I suppose if we ever need to it'll be nice. I got an email from amazon mom the other day. The subject said, "great gifts for mom on Mother's Day." Being its my very first Mother's Day this year I got kind of excited. I clicked the link and guess what! I can get 20% off select Dyson vacuums! Yeah thats exactly what all moms want for Mother's Day... a flipping vacuum. Lame Amazon... lame!

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