23 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Isaac is 6 Months Old

So Isaac turned six months old yesterday.  Hard to believe that my little guy is six months old already. He is really growing up fast!

Lots of exciting things happened this month. Lets just start with the most exciting......

Yep. Isaac is trying to crawl. If you watch whole video you will notice that he is farther away from that blue ball in the beginning of the video versus the end.  He's trying to get on his knees and manages to wiggle himself forward a bit. He's going to get it before we know it!  He started doing this this past weekend. He's done it a few times since.  It's kind of exciting really because according to the chart I have crawling is an advanced skill for a sixth month old. So my little preemie is ahead of the game on this one!

This month he also learned to lift his head of the ground. He does it all the time now which contributes to the trying to crawl thing.

Isaac learned to roll both ways. He still hasn't gotten the belly to back down pat but he can easily roll from his back to belly.  He did it the first time in the middle of the night. We woke up to him screaming and found him on his belly. Now he prefers to sleep on his belly. They say babies should sleep on their backs but he rolls to his belly every night. At first i'd flip him over and he's roll right back to his belly. I'm a not concerned because his ability to lift his head. Plus. I can flip him over all I want and he's going to continue to roll to his belly It's actually kind cute because when I go to get him in the morning his looks very much like the photo above.

Isaac may have said his first words. He's babbling a lot more lately rather than just cooing. There is a lot of baby talk going on in our house. We were playing with him the other day when the following came out of his mouth, "dada dada dada dada" I wish that he would have said, "mama mama mama mama" first though.  Oh well!

Isaac has started having these screaming fits and we can't figure out what is wrong. He's not hungry. His diaper is fine. It's not any worse laying down or sitting up and a pacifier does not make him stop. It is so unlike him to be like this. He's been doing it a few times a day since Sunday. I finally called the doctor on Tuesday and the earliest they could see him was Friday. I have received many suggestions from other moms and we'll see what the doctor says tomorrow. Many suggested an ear infection but I really don't think that is what this is. I think we'd get more screaming in the middle of the night (which we don't get). Others have suggested teething. Could be but we don't see or feel any teeth or any appearance of possible teeth. Plus i'm sure he'd be crying at night if it was teething.  Could be a growth spurt. Could be a phase. We'll see the doctor just to be sure than we head back for his 6 month check up on Tuesday. Guesses on his weigh and height??

Isaac is still eating just once a day. I think we will bump that up soon to twice a day. He's tried carrots, peas, sweet potatoes and avocado. He's liked everything we've given him so far but his favorite is sweet potatoes.

Isaac is still sleeping through the night. What I mean by this is he doesn't need to eat. He usually wakes up once or twice but a simple soothe by giving him his pacifier solves the problem. He's asleep again within seconds. Most of the time I have to wake him up to get him ready for the day.

I'll end with two of my favorite photos.

What to guess Isaac's weight and height?  Leave a comment! 

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