30 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Start Solid Foods = Headache

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Dear Diary,

What a nightmare starting solid food with Layla. I am nervous every time we start a new food. The pediatrician informed us to introduce a new food every three days to ensure she isn't allergic to anything. I always find the slightest blemish on Layla and assume she is allergic to carrots, or kiwis or...etc. I need to relax and understand side effects to having a food allergy, instead of making up my own ideas. Mike re-assures me every time I have a crazy idea.

img_0602I have found new ways to prepare the food and save time all at once! I received a magic bullet for my baby shower and was overly excited to use it.  I blend the food and put it into ice trays or small containers from food that I purchased earlier. After figuring out how much Layla eats during each sitting, I know I need to take out 3 ice cubes of food and, melt in the fridge if I think about it ahead of time, or warm up for a few seconds. Then I started getting different kinds of food and mixing after she has already tried it for the 3 days. I have found myself putting kiwi, blueberries and pears together. Of course my curiosity takes over and I try her concoctions! Yum!

img_0603Although starting solid foods has been a headache and I am worried non-stop, it was nice to read about why it is necessary.  I would love to breastfeed Layla for the rest of her life (over-exaggeration) , because I know that she can't choke, or be allergic. But now I know she needs more.  She needs more calories in order to keep her weight at a normal number. She needs different vitamins that I can not provide for her. In my specific incident, Layla needs extra Vitamin D so I need to add it to all of the food I make. My pediatrician gave me samples of Vitamin D to use before purchasing any. It has lasted me a long time!

Motherhood is one huge headache at the beginning but I have been told it is only a matter of time before I start trusting my daughter and become able to enjoy the little things once again. That day may not be here just yet, but I'm patiently waiting!

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