23 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Kohlrabi Recipes – Alphabet of Vegetables

Kohlrabi RecipesHello Vegetable Lovers: Thanks for living with the flurry of housekeeping happening for the Alphabet of Vegetables here on A Veggie Venture. My goal is to make special pages for our "most favorite" vegetables so the pages will load faster. If you ever check for recipe ideas or ingredients for a specific recipe on your phone in the produce section, you know that this is a good thing! ~Alanna

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Pronounced [kohl-RAH-bee]. Also called Cabbage Turnip, German Turnip. Kohlrabi is part of the cabbage family, its cousins are kale, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and turnips. The often-tough outer skins are usually pale green (there are also purple-skinned varieties) and strange tentacles emerge from the top of the "bulb" (actually, it's the plant's swollen stem). The interior white flesh and the kohlrabi greens are edible. Kohlrabi tastes like the mild, sweet broccoli stalks, just wetter and crisper, especially when fresh and young. It's wonderful raw! The kohlrabi growing season is "summer" into "late summer".

How to trim kohlrabi: Cut off the stems, leaves and the rough, dense base. If the skin is tough (and it usually is), slice it off with a knife or sharp vegetable peeler.
How to roast kohlrabi.
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